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Welcome! Course Syllabus, Expectations, and Sorting through Supplies (17:00)
Permission Granted! (8:14)
What is Your Starting Line? Beginning Art Assessment
Week One: First Layers
Blank Page Paralysis
Learning to See: Blind Contour Drawing
The Examen: Praying Backwards Through Your Day (6:15)
Week Two: Who are You?
Identifying your Identity
God speaks about you!
Face Time (43:17)
Week Three: Who is God for you?
What is Your Image of God?
Gospel Contemplation
Let There Be Light! And Dark. The Magic of Value (53:29)
Additional Resources
Week Four: Finding Quiet
Centering Prayer
Mindful Mandalas (9:59)
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Week Five: Finding God in all Things
Finding God in Nature
Where does God come to meet you?
Visio Divina
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Week Six: Letting Go
Spiritual Freedom and Disordered Attachments
Being Grateful for What Is
Letting Go of Outcomes: Watercolor Techniques (8:42)
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Week Seven: All the Feels
Feel Your Feelings
Drawing Lament
Rising from the Ashes
Week Eight: Being True
Masking Honesty
Finding Your True Self
Mask and Stencil Technique (27:56)
Week Nine: Speaking Truth
The Power of Affirmation
What is God saying to you? Text as Art
TEXT AS ART DEMO: Lettering over Watercolor Wash (21:04)
Week Ten: More Fun Techniques
Painted Collage (20:16)
Praying with Zentangles
Zendalas Notes
Additional Resources
Week Eleven Wrap Up: It's a journey, not a destination
What do You Need to Hear from God Today?
Reassessment and Next Steps
Identifying your Identity
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